Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'd Do It!

I'd do it! I'd trade away my first round pick next year to make the Super Bowl. That's easy! Not a second of hesitation. Let's do it. Do it now!

Yes, I am listening to the news that Brett Favre has been traded to New York (okay, New Jersey - we all know its the New York Area Jets).

Yes, the Jets made a great deal yesterday. They traded away a 4th round pick for Brett Favre. It's a great trade. It's not a good deal because Brett can still QB. No one knows that! This is a great deal because the New York Area Jets will sell tickets, jerseys, and best of all: hope! And isn't that all we want each year?

Don't you want a chance? Nothing's guaranteed in life - just give me a chance. And I'd trade a 4th rounder for a chance. Any day.

Sceptical? Worried it's a "wasted pick". It's not. If you think the Jets have "thrown away" a pick, what can you get in the 4th round? Here's what the Vikings have received recently:
  • 2007 Brian Robison, DE (Texas, 102nd pick)
  • 2006 Ray Edwards, DE (Purdue, (127th pick)
  • 2005 Ciatrick Fason, RB (Florida, 112nd pick)
  • 2004 Nat Dorsey, OT (Georgia Tech, 115th pick)
  • 2003 Onterrio Smith, RB (Oregon, 105th pick)
I like many of those players but I would give each up (some are already gone) for a Super Bowl appearance. I'd do it. Would you?